I am not a prolific blogger. Anyone can tell you that who checks my blog and sees the lacking posts. I have decided to make my life a little bit easier and combine my family blog with my photography blog. I am starting to get with the times and have subscribed to the blogs that I can through google reader and the ones that I can't I have marked in my favorites :-) I am doing much better blogging there and will start to integrate a little bit more about my personal life there. I am also hoping that this integration will help me carry my camera around a little bit more. Visit www.belindaolsen.com to check out the update on how we are doing and read my funny story from today at the laundromat.
My blog died and I have NO idea what the heck is happening or how to fix it -AND- I lost all of my blog lists. grrrr. If you could pretty please leave a comment so I can have the address to your blog again I would greatly appreciate it. Please bare with me as I try to figure this out. If anyone has any clues or help to offer.....please send it my way!
In our house we love the jazz! We've really enjoyed watching them play against the Denver Thuggets (Craig's name for them instead of the Nuggets...he he he) We have been cheering for each Utah player but I really like to cheer for D-Will! We are going to see if when Monday morning rolls around we'll get a chance to see the Utah Jazz take on the Lakers in round 2 of the playoffs. Go Jazz!
I LOVE General Conference! I honestly look forward to it year round. There are so many awesome things about conference, here are just a few:
-getting to hear from the Prophet
-feeling inspired to be a better person
-hearing answers to questions
-church in your pajamas and treats too
-seeing your friends and their dads sing in the MoTab
-seeing the beautiful floral work and spotting the techniques we learned in a class together :-)
-Sunday dinner at my mom's
-talking to my husband about conference
Six months and counting to the next conference...
PS I am still collecting back your blog addresses since I failed to rescue my blog template
Today I tried to remove the music from my blog. Easy. Deleted. No worries or problems. Next I tried to make my pictures larger on my blog. That is where all of the problems started. Almost an hour later I have no idea what I am doing to my blog, I barely remember changing the template and now I need to reload some things and find where to type others in. If you have ever seen the commercials (sorry I can't remember what company they were for) where they have household items that they photograph and several have frowny faces and then the tone of the commercial changes and they all have happy faces. Yeah....I'm not at the point where I have all happy faces about my blog. This motorcycle face says it all!
This is one of the lamest posts ever but I'm home sick after taking care of Craig who was home sick earlier this week. Hopefully we'll have a better week next week! This picture was taken over the summer in Magna as the sun was setting. I am really looking forward to seeing green grass soon!
Today at work we had our annual leadership conference. During one of our breaks I was chatting with one of the presenters who asked me what I was doing [professionally] 5 years ago. Back then I was working as a medical assistant for one of the best doctors ever: Robert Young. He asked me where I wanted to be in 5 years. I proceeded to tell him about my dreams of having a photography studio. As we continued to talk I really thought about where/who I was, where/who I am and where/who I want to be.
Tonight I spent some time studying my scriptures and thought of the same three questions: where I was, where I am and where I want to be. Wow! Talk about perspective!
At the time I didn't know why the Spirit kept prompting me to quit my job as a medical assistant, that I loved, to go back to school. Five years later I know that I wouldn't have met Craig if it wasn't for my job as a Store Trainer (aka human resources) at Maceys. My job has really pushed me to see a glimpse my own potential and to work toward that each day and to try to inspire others to see their potential.
If you have literally 2 minutes check out this awesome video on YouTube that I shared at our conference today. I promise you that you'll leave with a smile. :-)
Dearest friends and family,
I am extremely humbled by your support in the 'For the Love of Photography' contest that was held on Brooke Snow's Blog! It was a great reminder that I am surrounded by people who love, care and support me. I didn't win the weekend mentorship but was invited to a Q&A session with the other people in the top 10. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend because I'll be visiting my in-laws and cute niece and nephew over spring break :-) Despite all of that I am extremely grateful for each on of you!
Thank you for your support and encouragement!
For those of you who want the condensed version:
Please vote for me here to win a weekend photography mentoring with an amazing local photographer Brooke Snow. The polls close Sunday, February 28th right before midnight and you can only vote once per computer, but please help me out!
For those of you who have a few minutes to ready why I want this opportunity:
I have loved photography since I was a little girl. My dad always had his camera with him. I was a little poser and enjoyed having my picture taken. I especially loved it when he would let me take a picture. He would hold the camera and I would tell him where to point it, how close to get and he would let me press the button. Back in the days before LCD screens we had to wait for the film to be developed. I would eagerly wait until the rolls of film would be developed and loved finding my pictures.
Years later I had the opportunity to be on our yearbook staff. I fell in love with photography all over again as I captured school trips, sports, events and more. The yearbook camera was something I often had with me. My senior year I put a dark room in my parents storage room. I was grateful for their patience as I had crazy supplies everywhere. They let me experiment and were extremely patient when I would show them image after image after image. One of my favorite images from this time period is simple: a black and white image of a calla lily. My mom hangs this image in her home and it brings a smile to my face to see the simplicity and beauty of that image that really reflects an inner piece of me.
Flash forward several years to the present. I am now in the first year of owning my own photography business. I love photography more than ever before. I love the way I see the world with my camera. Everything has a little bit more color and purpose to it. Despite all of that I am a rookie in this business. I have so much to learn. I have so many questions. This opportunity with Brooke Snow is an opportunity to have a weekend mentorship to ask, to learn and to continue to grow. If given this opportunity it will be something I will cherish and appreciate.
Like my photography blogsite says,
"My style is fresh, fun, and candid. I believe that photography is a way of capturing a moment in time. During your session as often as possible I try to melt into the background to capture candid, honest moments. My goal is to provide you with portraits that you will cherish for a lifetime."
Thanks for your time and hopefully your vote!
The day after Christmas we bought ourselves the best present ever...a car! We bought a 2005 silver Toyota Camry. We have loved it!!!! We had been grateful to have a reliable car (no worries about us and the Toyota pedal recall). Previously I drove a cookie cutter lame car.
It had no:
power breaks
power steering
power windows
cruise control
I am really excited that this car has a reliable CD player...one of my favorite features next to the sunroof.
We feel really spoiled and lucky to have this car. We had a great family connection and were able to get an awesome deal. I am hoping that having this reliable car will result in a few more trips each year to see Craig's family in Fillmore. (we are really wanting to go there for spring break...fingers crossed)
If I could eat one thing nearly every day it would be sushi. You can get it with fruit, spicy, mild, cooked, raw, with fish, without fish, with egg......you name it and you can have it. I wish I could say that this is what I had for dinner but...it was from a couple of days ago. If you are hesitant about sushi but like fish there try a golden california roll. It is the traditional california roll (cucumber, crab, avocado) wrapped in salmon and cooked. YUMMY! Give Happy Sushi a try.
Each year I make the resolution that I am going to get healthier and lose weight. This year I had $20 and a healthy competition to motivate me. Several of my coworkers and I started our own 'biggest loser'. We started mid January and end April 1st. So far I've lost almost 30 pounds! Below you can see my host of characters that have contributed. For the first time I am actually exercising regularly and actually like it :-)
PS The winner of our friendly competition wins the entire pot of money!
Lately I have felt like I have been pulled in many directions and have spread myself too thin. I put myself in this situation. I knew I had lots of things to be grateful for. One thing that has really consumed my thoughts has been my photography business. I have trying to improve my camera handling skills, creativity and really focus on where I wanted my business to go. As I was driving down the road having a crappy, awful, no good, very bad day I saw this sign. I drove past it and kept thinking about it nearly a mile down the road. I flipped and made a U turn and literally sat in front of the sign for a good 10 minutes. I thought a lot about the words 'Be prepared to stop'. I stopped dwelling on my crappy day and did some praying and meditation on where I should go. I have several things that I will be announcing over the next few weeks on my photography blogsite.....
A few hours later I went with my niece and brother in law to Hardware Ranch to spend some time with my camera. I saw the sun peek out through the clouds and saw beautiful blue sky and had to take this picture because it was such a stark contrast to my earlier awfully bleak day.
One thing I have decided to do be a better blogger ;-) and photographer is do a 365 photo challenge. I am going to take my beautiful camera with me each day in my gigongous purse and take at least one picture of something that I do or see. (despite the fact that I am somewhat cheating since this picture was from earlier in the week and not literally from today)
Here's to making a beautiful day 2 tomorrow............
Two years ago today I married my best friend! Today we had a great, simple day at work and then at dinner. Craig was even willing to give up his favorite: sushi for I could go for a low cal option...an awesome salad from Hamilton's! (the type of sushi I like is dipped in tempura and fried, I'm passing on fried food for now. More to come about that story later)
I love you Craig! I've loved the last two years and really look forward to lots more!
Hello Friends!
I feel like every couple months I do one of these posts where I apologize for being a bad blogger for disappearing. I have been a better blogger at my photoblog and encourage you to check it out at www.belindaolsen.com. This summer I started pursing my own photography business. One of the things that I have wanted to do since I was in high school is to be a photographer for National Geographic. In the past I have often forgot how much I love photography. Well, I hate to break it to everyone but right now I am not shooting for NG, I photograph something else I really enjoy. PEOPLE. I love to work especially with babies, children and families. I love to capture people in a timeless way.
Everyone makes resolutions in January. One of mine is to have my camera with me more often! (I just have to wait until it comes back from its annual servicing with Nikon) This year I am going to push myself to feel comfortable in my own skin, try new techniques within my style, meet new people, and market a great photographer: Me!
(I promise that is not meant in an arrogant way, it's in my cheer myself on way)
Craig and Belinda Olsen
Craig and I have been married for a little over 2 years. When we aren't working or going to school we like to play 'Lost Cities', cook together, go for walks, watch movies and eat ice cream. We have a pretty low key life. One day we'd like to have a family. For now I have a camera. :-) If you are interested in checking out my photography site please visit www.belindaolsen.com I specialize in newborn, toddler, children and family photography. Other photography available upon request.
Friends & Family
MCP Actions
- baby gift (1)
- baby shower invites (1)
- baked treats (3)
- birthday (1)
- bridal portraits (2)
- church (1)
- commercial (1)
- DIY (1)
- family portraits (3)
- family vacation (2)
- holiday (3)
- hospital (1)
- newborn portraits (1)
- olympics (1)
- personal (7)
- photography (20)
- portraits (2)
- recipe (1)
- restaurant (2)
- school (2)
- stampin up (5)
- utah jazz (1)
- wedding (1)
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