I am not a prolific blogger. Anyone can tell you that who checks my blog and sees the lacking posts. I have decided to make my life a little bit easier and combine my family blog with my photography blog. I am starting to get with the times and have subscribed to the blogs that I can through google reader and the ones that I can't I have marked in my favorites :-) I am doing much better blogging there and will start to integrate a little bit more about my personal life there. I am also hoping that this integration will help me carry my camera around a little bit more. Visit www.belindaolsen.com to check out the update on how we are doing and read my funny story from today at the laundromat.
Craig and Belinda Olsen
Craig and I have been married for a little over 2 years. When we aren't working or going to school we like to play 'Lost Cities', cook together, go for walks, watch movies and eat ice cream. We have a pretty low key life. One day we'd like to have a family. For now I have a camera. :-) If you are interested in checking out my photography site please visit www.belindaolsen.com I specialize in newborn, toddler, children and family photography. Other photography available upon request.